Sunday, February 10, 2008

Did Rowan Williams Really Say . . .?

Rowen Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury ("the first among equals" of the 38 Anglican Archbishops worldwide), recently made remarks concerning the role Muslim sharia law may play in Great Britian in the future. His comments have been roundly criticized and in some cases blown out of proportion both in the British media and in the Church of England--some are even calling for the Archbishop's resignation. However, what did Rowan Williams really say, and does it really merit the response that it has received? The offers a helpful summary and critique of what the Archbishop actually said and the response that it has received thus far. Go here. For background to the controversy see "Sharia row persists for Williams" from the BBC NEWS.

1 comment:

shimmeringdawn said...

Hey, Bill, you should set up your links so they open in a new tab/window. You can easily do so by adding target="_blank" to the link code.