Thursday, April 10, 2008

Neither Poverty or Riches

I just got back from chapel here at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School where today Dr. Craig Blomberg spoke about the importance of generous giving even as a seminary student. His message challenged me to consider how I could increase my financial generosity even as a student, and when I returned from chapel to check my e-mail, as if on queue, I had an e-mail from Avant, a missions sending organization, challenging people to consider increasing their giving to missionaries they support because of the of the weakening dollar.

Since the dollar has been dropping in value against the pound and the euro, the money that supporters send to missionaries in Europe and the UK no longer goes as far as it used. For those of us who support missionaries, this is something to consider. We ourselves are facing economic down turn in the United States; however, St. Paul is quick to remind us that the Macedonian Christians generously supported their brothers and sisters in Christ at Jerusalem even though they were facing hardship themselves (2 Cor 8:1ff). Consider the work of those who are spreading the gospel and give to them generously.

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